SCRUSCI 4th Edition
Festival internazionale di musiche brut(t)e
Ruderi della Chiesa dell’Annunziata, Alcamo
August 24 - 25, 2012
Festival internazionale di musiche brut(t)e
Ruderi della Chiesa dell’Annunziata, Alcamo
August 24 - 25, 2012
The Festival
The 4th edition of Scrusci Festival, a festival of sound and sensory experiment for lovers of non-conventional music. With two days dedicated to the appreciation of music and the nature that surrounds us, Scrusci is a unique opportunity for rare musicians and music lovers to meet in an informal atmosphere with a group of artists from the field of improvisational and experimental music. The evening of 24th of August will open with the drummer Ken Hyder (vocal, drums, sound objects) with a shamanic mix of folk, Celtic and jazz music, followed by Camusi comprised of Stefano Giust (drums) and Patrizia Oliva (vocal, electronica), who present the union of loop vocal and drum rhythm. And finally, the electric sounds of musician and experimentalist of the new generation, Atori Yumi will close the evening. Sicilian poly-instrumental improvisor, Aldo Ammirata will open the second evening on 25th August with his experimental project ‘Empirical Evidence’, followed by English musician Illi Adato and Sicilian dancer Lavinia Cascone performing with local musicians and artists a piece of combined music and dance entitled ‘A Living Score’. Roberto Fega from Rome will perform with a single horn and stratified electronic sound and the evening will conclude with Scrusci Ensemble leading a jam session– a moment of musical interaction and exchange open to all artists participating in festival.
During the Scrusci Festival there will also be two intensive workshops: one related to deepening our understanding of music and dance improvisation and the other dedicated to soundscape and the relation between sounds and our environment/community.
The 4th edition of Scrusci Festival, a festival of sound and sensory experiment for lovers of non-conventional music. With two days dedicated to the appreciation of music and the nature that surrounds us, Scrusci is a unique opportunity for rare musicians and music lovers to meet in an informal atmosphere with a group of artists from the field of improvisational and experimental music. The evening of 24th of August will open with the drummer Ken Hyder (vocal, drums, sound objects) with a shamanic mix of folk, Celtic and jazz music, followed by Camusi comprised of Stefano Giust (drums) and Patrizia Oliva (vocal, electronica), who present the union of loop vocal and drum rhythm. And finally, the electric sounds of musician and experimentalist of the new generation, Atori Yumi will close the evening. Sicilian poly-instrumental improvisor, Aldo Ammirata will open the second evening on 25th August with his experimental project ‘Empirical Evidence’, followed by English musician Illi Adato and Sicilian dancer Lavinia Cascone performing with local musicians and artists a piece of combined music and dance entitled ‘A Living Score’. Roberto Fega from Rome will perform with a single horn and stratified electronic sound and the evening will conclude with Scrusci Ensemble leading a jam session– a moment of musical interaction and exchange open to all artists participating in festival.
During the Scrusci Festival there will also be two intensive workshops: one related to deepening our understanding of music and dance improvisation and the other dedicated to soundscape and the relation between sounds and our environment/community.
- A living Score
- Soundscape
• Video excerpt of the concert •

Connections of prerecorded and manipulated sounds to the sounds of traditional instruments drawing on studies of prof. E. Sarafin on abnormal intrusion not coded according to the Vernam cipher.
Connessioni di suoni preregistrati e manipolati a suoni di strumenti tradizionali traendo spunto dagli studi del prof. E. Sarafin sulle intrusioni anomale non codificabili secondo il cifrario di Vernam.
Official Scrusci Festival Website
Special thanks to Piero La Rocca and
Associazione Culturale Mimema
for invitation as media partner
Special thanks to Piero La Rocca and
Associazione Culturale Mimema
for invitation as media partner
Video by Piero Bisignano
Event code: NN_Event009_08_12
Event code: NN_Event009_08_12