This website does NOT collect any useful informations to identify the user in any way. This website does NOT use profiling cookie of any kind.
All content on this website (including texts, graphics and photographs, audio and video files and any other original works) unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
All artistic content is subject to the copyright of the respective artists and permission was explicitly granted for publication on this site. This includes, that the artists are not associated with any collection society. Nostress Netlabel, as a netlabel, maintains a platform for publication for the selected artists. Every artists is fully liable for the content of their works. This includes (but is not limited to), the use and the clearing of incorporated samples, loops and other material of others. Font used for the netlabel logo is been created by Rich Gast.
Nostress Netlabel does not at all take any liability for the contents provided by the artists and is not liable for the musical works published and/or used in contravention of the conditions of the license or any use for sale by the artists or by anyone else. Nostress Netlabel is not interested in trade policies, profit-making and maintains a license that are not related or connected to the sale.
Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
under the following conditions:
• Attribution
The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the original author credit. It is allowed to listen, copy and burn these MP3 files for private purpose. It is also allowed to play these MP3 files on radiostations and DJ Mixes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this music. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the author. Read the full Licence and Legal Code on the Creative Common Licence website.
• Non Commercial
You may not sell copies of Nostress Netlabel music or make any other commercial use of this music. It is not allowed to copy, sell, use these MP3 files for commercial purpose.
• No Derivative Works
You may not sample or remix this music. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this music (this includes synching the music to a moving image). Modifications of Nostress Netlabel MP3 file are not allowed. It is not allowed to offer any of these MP3 files on your webspace without our prior written permission of the author and Nostress Netlabel.
Questo sito web NON raccoglie informazioni utili per identificare in alcun modo l'utente. Questo sito web NON utilizza cookie di profilazione di qualsiasi tipo.
Ogni informazione, ogni foto e/o video contenuti in questo sito possono essere forniti da servizi esterni a questo sito per cui Nostress Netlabel non si ritiene responsabile per abusi, violazione di copyright o altro, riguardanti i contenuti di tale materiale audio/visivo. Le opere musicali sono associate ad una licenza Copyleft e nello specifico:
Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Nostress Netlabel contiene links ad altri siti internet. Questi links sono forniti solamente come informazione e non sono pubblicità o approvazione di prodotti o servizi forniti in tali siti, e nessuna informazione in tali siti è stata approvata o controllata da Nostress Netlabel. Questi siti di terze parti possono avere privacy policies, opinioni e punti di vista che non coincindono con quelli di Nostress Netlabel che non si ritiene responsabile in caso taluni links possano essere rotti (broken links) o non correttamente funzionanti (corrupted files).
Tutti i materiali audio-video e le informazioni incluse in Nostress Netlabel sono da considerare cosi come sono e cioè forniti senza nessun tipo di garanzia.
Nostress Netlabel non è responsabile sia per contenuti, accuratezza, completezza e affidabilità del materiale audio-video mostrato nel sito che per eventuali danni provocati dal download o dalla visione di materiale video presente nel sito. Tutti i loghi, le immagini ed i marchi sono dei rispettivi proprietari.

All content on this website (including texts, graphics and photographs, audio and video files and any other original works) unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
All artistic content is subject to the copyright of the respective artists and permission was explicitly granted for publication on this site. This includes, that the artists are not associated with any collection society. Nostress Netlabel, as a netlabel, maintains a platform for publication for the selected artists. Every artists is fully liable for the content of their works. This includes (but is not limited to), the use and the clearing of incorporated samples, loops and other material of others. Font used for the netlabel logo is been created by Rich Gast.
Nostress Netlabel does not at all take any liability for the contents provided by the artists and is not liable for the musical works published and/or used in contravention of the conditions of the license or any use for sale by the artists or by anyone else. Nostress Netlabel is not interested in trade policies, profit-making and maintains a license that are not related or connected to the sale.

under the following conditions:
• Attribution
The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the original author credit. It is allowed to listen, copy and burn these MP3 files for private purpose. It is also allowed to play these MP3 files on radiostations and DJ Mixes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this music. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the author. Read the full Licence and Legal Code on the Creative Common Licence website.
• Non Commercial
You may not sell copies of Nostress Netlabel music or make any other commercial use of this music. It is not allowed to copy, sell, use these MP3 files for commercial purpose.
• No Derivative Works
You may not sample or remix this music. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this music (this includes synching the music to a moving image). Modifications of Nostress Netlabel MP3 file are not allowed. It is not allowed to offer any of these MP3 files on your webspace without our prior written permission of the author and Nostress Netlabel.

Ogni informazione, ogni foto e/o video contenuti in questo sito possono essere forniti da servizi esterni a questo sito per cui Nostress Netlabel non si ritiene responsabile per abusi, violazione di copyright o altro, riguardanti i contenuti di tale materiale audio/visivo. Le opere musicali sono associate ad una licenza Copyleft e nello specifico:
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Nostress Netlabel contiene links ad altri siti internet. Questi links sono forniti solamente come informazione e non sono pubblicità o approvazione di prodotti o servizi forniti in tali siti, e nessuna informazione in tali siti è stata approvata o controllata da Nostress Netlabel. Questi siti di terze parti possono avere privacy policies, opinioni e punti di vista che non coincindono con quelli di Nostress Netlabel che non si ritiene responsabile in caso taluni links possano essere rotti (broken links) o non correttamente funzionanti (corrupted files).
Tutti i materiali audio-video e le informazioni incluse in Nostress Netlabel sono da considerare cosi come sono e cioè forniti senza nessun tipo di garanzia.
Nostress Netlabel non è responsabile sia per contenuti, accuratezza, completezza e affidabilità del materiale audio-video mostrato nel sito che per eventuali danni provocati dal download o dalla visione di materiale video presente nel sito. Tutti i loghi, le immagini ed i marchi sono dei rispettivi proprietari.