December 22 to January 5: TUTTI AL MUSEO
[Environmental Sounds]
[Environmental Sounds]

Foto by
Nostress Netlabel
Massimo Torcivia
Domenico Stagno
Ciro Cangialosi
Domenico De Lisi
Luigi Lazzaro
Rino Liguoro
Service by MOB Studio
Art Project by Francesco Calabria
in collaboration with
Associazione Amici Dei Musei Siciliani
Environmental sounds by Nostress Netlabel
during the evenings at the museums
Many thanks to the event organizers
for the precious collaboration opportunity
December 22
Gaetano Basile tells Pitrè Museum;
Sara Calvanelli Live
December 26
Gaetano Basile tells Palazzo Asmundo;
Alessandro Librio with: "The body and the sound"
theater/dance movement in a music performance
December 28
Gaetano Basile tells Zoology Doderlain Museum;
"Dei vermi è il mio paese"
Multimedial electronic performance
by Luca Satomi and Antonio Cusimano
December 30
Gaetano Basile tells
Museum at the jails of Palazzo Steri;
Marco Selvaggio: the sound predator "HANG SUIT"
December 30
Museum of Marionette Antonio Pasqualino;
Michele Piccione: Percussions, Bagpipes
and Marranzano
January 5
Gaetano Basile tells Palazzo Steri Museum
will follow: Valeria Cimò and Gianluca Dessì Live
with the performance "Kymia"
Event code: NN_Event011_01_13
Art Project by Francesco Calabria
in collaboration with
Associazione Amici Dei Musei Siciliani
Environmental sounds by Nostress Netlabel
during the evenings at the museums
Many thanks to the event organizers
for the precious collaboration opportunity
December 22
Gaetano Basile tells Pitrè Museum;
Sara Calvanelli Live
December 26
Gaetano Basile tells Palazzo Asmundo;
Alessandro Librio with: "The body and the sound"
theater/dance movement in a music performance
December 28
Gaetano Basile tells Zoology Doderlain Museum;
"Dei vermi è il mio paese"
Multimedial electronic performance
by Luca Satomi and Antonio Cusimano
December 30
Gaetano Basile tells
Museum at the jails of Palazzo Steri;
Marco Selvaggio: the sound predator "HANG SUIT"
December 30
Museum of Marionette Antonio Pasqualino;
Michele Piccione: Percussions, Bagpipes
and Marranzano
January 5
Gaetano Basile tells Palazzo Steri Museum
will follow: Valeria Cimò and Gianluca Dessì Live
with the performance "Kymia"
Event code: NN_Event011_01_13