Celebrating the mp3 and free culture and the independent netlabels and musicians all around the World
July 14
Celebrating the mp3 and free culture and the independent netlabels and musicians all around the World
July 14
Seattle, WA – After eight years, Netlabel Day’s founder Manuel Silva of M.I.S.T Records has handed over the reins for the international festival of sharing free music to a new driver.
Omar Willey, of the long-running online journal of arts and culture The Seattle Star, takes over for this year’s celebration on July 14, 2022 with new optimism and new ideas. “The changes I’ll make will be minimal,” says Willey, quoting the famous Putney Swope. “The important thing right now is to restore faith and promote community.”
This year Netlabel Day 2022 is looking for diverse material from all over the globe, especially Africa and Asia, and in different musical styles. “We’re known for promoting a kind of crust punk, DIY approach to music, says Willey. “That’s given us a lot of electro-garage-techno-vapor-chip-pop. But we want musicians everywhere to be welcome. We’re especially keen to have more traditional “art” music, classical, jazz, worldbeat, folk, etc, but we’d love experimental improv and plunderphonics too.”
Musicians can submit tracks or albums to Netlabel Day this year—even if they aren’t on a netlabel. “We’re open to everyone,” Willey says. “As long as they put a Creative Commons or free/libre license on their music, we’d love to help share their work with the world.
The title of Ilir Lluka's new digital album "Twelve Years of Nihilism" refers to his period of creativity and musical productivity of Ilir Lluka. The artist considers himself a realist but agrees that his feeling of pessimism about mankind can somehow come close to the semantic concept of the nihilist when regarding it from the object of inspiration point of view. The four tracks of the album play an obscure soundtrack for moods that are at times suffering but dilated over time as in a precise perseverance in philosophical reflections that perhaps will never have a definitive solution and answer.
Il titolo del nuovo album digitale di Ilir Lluka "Dodici Anni di Nihilismo" si riferisce al periodo di creatività e produttività musicale di Ilir Lluka. L’artista che si considera un realista, prende le distanze dal considerarsi nihilista ma conviene che il suo sentirsi pessimista sul genere umano possa in qualche modo avvicinarsi proprio al concetto semantico del nihilista se preso in considerazione dal punto di vista dell oggetto dell’ispirazione. Le quattro tracce dell’album suonano una oscura colonna sonora per stati d’animo a tratti sofferenti ma dilatati nel tempo come in una precisa perseveranza in riflessioni filosofiche che forse non avranno mai una soluzione e una risposta definitiva.
Omar Willey, of the long-running online journal of arts and culture The Seattle Star, takes over for this year’s celebration on July 14, 2022 with new optimism and new ideas. “The changes I’ll make will be minimal,” says Willey, quoting the famous Putney Swope. “The important thing right now is to restore faith and promote community.”
This year Netlabel Day 2022 is looking for diverse material from all over the globe, especially Africa and Asia, and in different musical styles. “We’re known for promoting a kind of crust punk, DIY approach to music, says Willey. “That’s given us a lot of electro-garage-techno-vapor-chip-pop. But we want musicians everywhere to be welcome. We’re especially keen to have more traditional “art” music, classical, jazz, worldbeat, folk, etc, but we’d love experimental improv and plunderphonics too.”
Musicians can submit tracks or albums to Netlabel Day this year—even if they aren’t on a netlabel. “We’re open to everyone,” Willey says. “As long as they put a Creative Commons or free/libre license on their music, we’d love to help share their work with the world.

The title of Ilir Lluka's new digital album "Twelve Years of Nihilism" refers to his period of creativity and musical productivity of Ilir Lluka. The artist considers himself a realist but agrees that his feeling of pessimism about mankind can somehow come close to the semantic concept of the nihilist when regarding it from the object of inspiration point of view. The four tracks of the album play an obscure soundtrack for moods that are at times suffering but dilated over time as in a precise perseverance in philosophical reflections that perhaps will never have a definitive solution and answer.
Il titolo del nuovo album digitale di Ilir Lluka "Dodici Anni di Nihilismo" si riferisce al periodo di creatività e produttività musicale di Ilir Lluka. L’artista che si considera un realista, prende le distanze dal considerarsi nihilista ma conviene che il suo sentirsi pessimista sul genere umano possa in qualche modo avvicinarsi proprio al concetto semantico del nihilista se preso in considerazione dal punto di vista dell oggetto dell’ispirazione. Le quattro tracce dell’album suonano una oscura colonna sonora per stati d’animo a tratti sofferenti ma dilatati nel tempo come in una precisa perseveranza in riflessioni filosofiche che forse non avranno mai una soluzione e una risposta definitiva.
Psychische Revolution
Release Date: July 14th, 2018
Total running time: 25m / 17sec
Catalogue: NN_EP036_07_22
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Event code: NN_Event046_07_22
(59,3 Mb)
(Pdf 361 Kb)
Psychische Revolution

- One
- Two (Part One)
- Two (Part Two)
- Three
Release Date: July 14th, 2018
Total running time: 25m / 17sec
Catalogue: NN_EP036_07_22
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Event code: NN_Event046_07_22

"Twelve Years of Nihilism" was recorded entirely in a single day. Usually the production of my albums takes a lot of as I am used to working very slowly, little by little it usually takes at least six months to a year, some of my works have been developed during 2-3 years even more, while for this one I wanted to break the cycle and make something different, something raw without much layering abstractional complications. Although I am not an instrumentalist, neither am I a big fan of analogue synthesizers for my own music, I had the chance to experiment a bit with a Nord Modular G2 synthesizer and an electric guitar and I decided to record everything as it was being improvised directly from the mixer into a Handy Zoom Recorder and then cut, recut & edited so that only the best parts were to be used as the end result.
Ilir Lluka