
Pre-listening Track
- La Primavera (Spring)
- L'Estate (Summer)
- L'Autunno (Autumn)
- L'Inverno (Winter)

Today it's time to drones.
Flying drones allow a person to see incredible things with a small height and distance...
recently emerged "drones" musical instruments.
This is a software based modules with little intellect, helps hear in simple guitar sound, unusual crystals.
This recording was made 4, 5, 6, 7 January - four day mission in the new reality.
A guitar is tuned to 432 hertz.
This 432 hertz is most suitable for the description of nature in different seasons.
I found this ancient setting instruments in the music of Vivaldi.
I also added a bit of the processed field recordings, supported the general mood.
Flying drones allow a person to see incredible things with a small height and distance...
recently emerged "drones" musical instruments.
This is a software based modules with little intellect, helps hear in simple guitar sound, unusual crystals.
This recording was made 4, 5, 6, 7 January - four day mission in the new reality.
A guitar is tuned to 432 hertz.
This 432 hertz is most suitable for the description of nature in different seasons.
I found this ancient setting instruments in the music of Vivaldi.
I also added a bit of the processed field recordings, supported the general mood.
Andrey Kireyev
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Total running time: 1h / 4m / 0s
Catalogue: NN_LP054_06_14
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Total running time: 1h / 4m / 0s
Catalogue: NN_LP054_06_14
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0