ASTMA (Alexei Borisov - Olga Nosova)
Live at Hidden Agenda

Pre-listening Track
15-17 Tai Yip Street Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
March 17, 2012
- Live at Hidden Agenda

Beyond free rock, noise rock & avant rock!!
Alexei Borisov: (voice, guitars, harmonica, electronics)
Olga Nosova: (voice, drums, contact mics, effects)
Special thanks to Dennis Wong and HA technical crew
The first minute was forced to recall the legacy of the American group Earth, with their priblyuzovannym ambient, but everything falls into place as soon as something starts to Borisov whisper-sings-pronounce in his favorite manner, long known for all those interested in experimental music. Somewhere in there half-heard line, somewhere is just babbling incoherently, and at some point begins to show the text of the song "Acid" Borisov Night Project Prospect, has existed since the mid-eighties. While Alex deals with vocals and guitar, Olga asks rhythmic structures, whose roots can be found in the psychedelic rock 70s and New York, but the Wave of the early 80's. Torn and confused drum loops combined with a constant pulsation perceived and varied dynamics and the stop-time. In the end, it all gives a sense of limited freedom, in which the musicians deliberately break the frame, trying to create improvisational and fragmented near-song structures, to immediately destroy them and start building again.
Review by Ilia Belorukov
Release Date: July 1, 2012
Total running time: 22:54
Catalogue: NN_Perform008_07_12
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Total running time: 22:54
Catalogue: NN_Perform008_07_12
Format: MP3 [320 Kbps]
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0